Insurance Solutions Tailored for Success

Invent Consulting Limited leverages its expertise to offer innovative and tailored solutions for the insurance industry. With a deep understanding of the unique business and challenges faced by insurance providers, we provide comprehensive services ranging from data analytics and visualization to seamless data migration and integration.

Claims Analytics

  • Claims Summary Dashboard
  • Claim Processing Time Analysis
  • Claim Loss Ratio Report
  • Claim Status and Aging Report
  • Litigation Trends and Costs
  • Claims Reserving Analysis
Underwriting Analytics

  • Risk Exposure Analysis
  • Renewal Retention Rate Report
  • Premium Leakage Report
  • Policy Lapse Analysis
  • Policy Issuance Turnaround Report
  • Policy Cancellation Trends
  • Policy Issuance Turnaround Report
Finance Analytics

  • Financial Performance Dashboard
  • Premium Revenue Analysis
  • Loss Ratio Analysis
  • Investment Portfolio Performance
  • Regulatory Compliance Dashboard
  • Budget vs. Actuals Report
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
Acturial Analytics

  • Loss Development Triangles
  • Premium Rate Adequacy Report/span>
  • Reserving Analysis by Line of Business
  • Risk Modeling and Simulation
  • Loss Ratio Forecasting
Our Offer

What We Can Do Together

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Unlock the power of your insurance data with our advanced analytics solutions. Leverage insights derived from data visualization tools like Power BI and Tableau to make informed decisions, enhance risk management, and optimize operational efficiency.

Efficient Data Migration

Seamlessly transition to advanced data ecosystems with our expert data migration services. Whether you're upgrading systems or consolidating data sources, our team ensures a smooth migration process, minimizing downtime and ensuring data integrity.

Strategic Resource Augmentation

Augment your insurance team with skilled professionals who bring industry-specific expertise. Benefit from a flexible workforce that can adapt to the dynamic demands of the insurance landscape.

Custom Software Development

Embrace digital transformation with our bespoke software solutions designed for the insurance sector. From claims processing to policy management, we tailor software applications to align with your specific business needs.

Our Advantage

Why Choose Invent Consulting for Your Next Project?

Industry Focus

Our dedicated focus on the insurance sector allows us to understand and address the unique challenges faced by insurance providers, ensuring solutions that are tailored to your industry needs.

Proven Success

With a track record of successful projects in the insurance domain, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to help you overcome industry-specific challenges and achieve your business goals.


Our partnership goes beyond delivering solutions. At Invent Consulting Limited, we work closely with our clients, fostering a relationship built on trust, communication, and a shared commitment to success.

Invent Consulting Limited - Your Trusted Partner in Data Excellence.